Virtual Office Employee Engagement Survey

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Virtual Office Employee Engagement Survey
Virtual Office Employee Engagement Survey
Virtual Office Employee Engagement Survey
Virtual Office Employee Engagement Survey
Virtual Office Employee Engagement Survey

1. Do you like working from home with us?

Virtual Office Employee Engagement

2. Is it simple to contact our teammates and team leaders when you require their assistance?

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3. What are the most challenging aspects of working remotely for EcommerceBD?

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4. Do you trust our virtual office management?

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5. How satisfied are you with the leadership’s communication frequency?

6. Do you believe your team leader believes in you and trusts you?

7. How many times a day do you take a break?

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8. Do you think we have a good work-life balance with our remote employees?

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9. How pleased are you with the quality of our company’s leadership communication?

Virtual Office

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10. What methods of communication are most effective for you?

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